#Focus Bolivia# Chiquitania fires 2022

Testimonies and listening to the Chiquitania fires during 2022

Interviews and testimonies of communities and population of Chiquitania, Guarayos, the Pantanal, Siriono Territory, Alto Beni, Santa Cruz and Trinidad about the fires this 2022. Excerpts from interviews with volunteer firefighters (2021-2022), broadcasts on local radios de la Chiquitina, whatsapp recordings of community organizations (2022), Tsirionó report, Aguas Calientes, analysis with archival material and context of contemporary extractivist processes (2017 – 2021) and audios of reflection and analysis of the collective in transmissions.

La Fuga Radial is a space for women, open, collaborative, free and autonomous. Since 2021, it has generated temporary online radio outlets that are built from the struggle and street coverage, free software, libertarian counter-information and community radio. It seeks to listen and amplify the multiple voices of the struggles for life. The transmissions carried out to date have reports from various territories of Bolivia, and join efforts to work and collaborative transmissions with other free media of Abya Yala.
