Longitude / Latitude / Altitude: 17°23′00″S 65°03′00″O / 4.717 msnm
Department / Province / Municipality: Cochabamba / Tiraque / Shinahota
Talk with the guard of the Carrasco National Park Vladimir Marca, while we visit different areas of the park.
In the conversation he tells us how to identify the 4 different types of snakes: vipers, boas, snakes and corals, ending with an argument about the problems of deforestation in cities like Santa Cruz and the Bolivian Amazon.
Carrasco National Park is a Protected Area with high biodiversity, which is why it is part of the Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor (Bolivia-Peru), it has mighty rivers that flow into the Amazon and presents ecotourism routes of great scenic beauty. In the area you can see a mountainous landscape with deep valleys and canyons, torrential rivers and waterfalls, as well as lush vegetation. The unconfirmed original population is the Tuki ethnic group.
You can also vistit the Sonicmater platform with more related fragments.
Sonandes is a platform dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of contemporary sound practices, bringing together creators who research, develop and exhibit projects associated with sound and listening. It promotes production and research as a way of knowledge and collective thought. It promotes the creation of specialized exhibitions on sound art and the study of the senses, valuesinternational cooperation and the importance of forging a culture of listening.
Since 2014, it has developed a multidisciplinary work and carries out meetings and activities such as: Sonandes International Biennial of Sound Art, Puertos: Creation Residencies Program, Laboratories and Publications.